The daily practices of inquiry, reflection, and gratitude have changed my life and the lives of many people who I have personally coached in the last decade. During my years of coaching, I have consistently seen that for most people the biggest hurdle in putting these practices into action is not lack of desire, but lack of a daily reminder. I realized that having these practices all in one easy and practical workbook would be essential if I wanted my clients to enjoy the results from this daily ritual. This is how this memoir was first idealized.
The Daily Memoir will help you to achieve the same results of greater joy, purpose, and focus.
SHIPPED WITHIN THE US ($27.50) SHIPPED OUTSIDE THE US ($42.50)The Daily Memoir is both a book and a workbook, designed to help you create greater focus, purpose and joy.
Daily inspiring quotes from many great authors, scientists and coaches
Daily insightful messages to set your mind in the right direction
A personalized section for you to write your daily to-be list
A full page for you to write a question to center your mind and to invite new ideas and opportunities throughout the day
A personalized section for you to write your daily gratitude list
Poems and references from amazing leaders, authors, coaches, scientists and more
Access to a visioning exercise that will center these practices even further
A downloadable 5-minute embodiment meditation audio you can use anytime, anywhere
If you have been wanting to create new habits but have been stuck trying, watch this video, and learn how specific daily practices can literally transform your life.
When a building is built atop a foundation that lacks integrity, the best structure cannot withstand its own weight. The building will falter, and fail. The same is true of our own lives — it must be built on integrity. Yet, building a life of integrity is not an aim to be ever attained, it is a path, a life’s endless journey. Mine has been one of great wins, and even greater losses, and as with any human experience, filled with patterns, some of great value, and others that that had to be broken. And while I sought to perceive and understand these patterns through dedicated studies of human potential, neuro science, physics, science, architecture, literature, worlds’ religions, philosophy, and yoga, it was life itself that taught me everything I needed to learn. Life’s content is the curriculum of our paths.
As a young adult I began my career path in architecture and engineering, practicing both for 15 years, working in large and small corporations, teaching at great Universities, and finally running a sustainability consulting firm. My quest into the human experience took me to architecture, mechanical and facade engineering, and sustainability, seeking in the built environment the evoking of ecstasy, of life’s greatest expression. Ultimately, my path brought me back to the origin, my ultimate quest, the understanding of the human mind, the mind of the designer and the occupant. Seeking patterns in the design process, and translating these to teach the patterns of the human mind’s construct has been the coming together of two separate worlds in my life. I dedicate my path to the constant and unattainable task of living in full integrity, of giving abundantly, of teaching and learning. The human mind is magnificent. I love getting my clients to feel the ecstasy of knowing that the most beautiful structure ever constructed, resides within them.
We are all architects.
The Daily Memoir comes in a custom 5.5 x 8.5 size that fits in your bag or purse so you can carry it with you, anywhere. It is also spiral bound for easy writing and has a unique cover.
This workbook is a great gift to yourself, especially as you embark into new ventures and are seeking to create daily new habits to take your life further. It is also a beautiful gift to anyone you love.
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